The fashion company Chanel S.A. was established by Gabrielle Chanel in 1910. With her understated, timeless designs, Chanel truly revolutionized the fashion industry. She is widely recognized as the designer of the "little black dress" and was one of the first to introduce pants for women. Up until her passing in 1971, Ms. Chanel remained in charge of the design firm's creative direction. In 1983, Karl Lagerfeld assumed control as chief designer. With the launch of its first scent, the renowned Chanel N°5, in 1921, Chanel brought about a comparable upheaval in the perfume industry. With creative marketing and celebrity endorsements, this scent has maintained its position as a global bestseller. Ernest Beaux was the perfumer behind Chanel N°5 and many of the brand's other classic and enduring scents. Since 1978, Jacques Polge has served as Chanel's in-house perfumer.